Sunday, December 13, 2009

Why do women wear foundation eye liner mascara eye shadow eye liner blush lip liner lip stick lip gloss?

if i do wear makeup and that is rare...i wear a mineral poweder foundation..a little concealer to cover and blemishes and under eye circles... eye shadow OR liner..never both...mascara..usually black. and lip gloss..or lip stick.. but never both! and never lips are full but slightly uneven so liner always ends up making them look odd.

but most of the bare faced with chap stick...i gots to keep my lips smooth...they get dry too easy.Why do women wear foundation eye liner mascara eye shadow eye liner blush lip liner lip stick lip gloss?
Obviously, it is to look good but has anyone ever considered that many women will put on the above makeup, padded bras and other flattering formation garments, etc., then complain that they can't find any ';real men';?Why do women wear foundation eye liner mascara eye shadow eye liner blush lip liner lip stick lip gloss?
To be the Clowns for Men?

And they wonder Men take them less seriously.
because they look gorgeous when they do. Are you mad or something?
To enhance their looks.
...because we can...
I'm guessing it's habit, societal pressure or they feel like they look good, or their workplace expects it.

I've never worn foundation, mascara, eye liner, lip liner or lip stick. Mascara made me break out in hives the only time I tried it. I use to try to wear eye shadow and lip gloss, but was always rubbing them off so stopped. I wore blush for a while when I worked in corporate america so i was wearing ';make-up'; but after a while, I just didn't care anymore.
Because they like to look pretty around us men!

Why do you shave?

On put oil on hair and face?
Make up can be fun if you're into it! It can be something fun and creative. Granted, I certainly don't wear lipstick, lip liner, and lip gloss all at the same time. That would be way too much blending for me. Ha.
To make themselves more attractive to the opposite sex, obviously. And some do it to make other women jealous of their natural and in some cases, enhanced, beauty. The answer is obvious.
I don't know because I don't wear any makeup, never have in 42 years. My boyfriends have always commented to me that they like it because it doesn't feel like they are kissing a ';mask';, and they don't have to worry about smearing the lipstick. I just never got into wearing it, I tried a few times both when I was a teenager and an adult, but could never get the hang of it, it always looked fake on me, so I just dropped it. My mother only wears lipstick, and looks fantastic at 78.
I don't. Guess you're wrong.
'Cause I look GOOD!
It is a form of narcissism. Goes back to prehistory when men would paint themselves with woad or make wounds on their own bodies - the intention being to make themselves appear more attractive to women, more fearsome to their enemies. Eventually women were allowed to paint themselves too.

Of course nowadays it's all about multinationals making big bucks by exploiting women's vanity.
Make up makes a woman pretty not too much but its fine....
For the same reasons Cleopatra did - to improve their looks.

Sometimes through subtle advertising which convinces us that we are not well-groomed if we do not apply some make-up; and

Sometimes to attract the opposite sex.

Other times, it's just nice to play around and enjoy making up your face to create a new look for your own pleasure.
heck knows and im a woman ocsionly i wera mascara when goin out for meal and ocasionly lippy for my partner to notice me waste of time thou mite as well go starkers then hed only notice if sunone said sumthin.what is foundation all about anyway makes em a funny colour,eyeliners looks like you ave bk eyes apanda aah,blusher amkes you look like a garden gnome,lipgloss to amke ya lips shiny and kissable.het i say save ya money dont buy make up spendit on alchol for u and the bloke then hell take youb home anyway.inthe clubs everyone look good in the badlite.
Well, I wear eye shadow, blusher, mascara %26amp; lipstick, and I like wearing make up.

I think I have worn make up for so long now that it has just become habit (plus, the older you get , the more you need it!! :))
cos we can, dearie
why, so they can misrepresent their appearance to a gullible male public.

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